Everyone else can go about their business and do their own thing, offering to the collective that which they are and have to give. If a need does not arise that is expressed, no offering (manifestation) can exist. Manifestation comes out of desire and desires derive from needs, which are based on intentions.
No offering is better or worse, for everything, despite appearances, ultimately serves the same One purpose. When we cannot acknowledge that, it is our limited perception that excludes, creating illusion.
We need only concentrate on our individual offering and our own true intentions. Too much energy is wasted on judging others, on trying to remain informed because we doubt ourselves and on remaining externalized.
That which matters the most is the sacredness of our own life, which is also our learning and revelation ground. Our self and our own life hold within, all the resources that we need to live a meaningful, magnificent, creative and harmonious life. Our bodies, our homes and our lives are our personal worship alters, which we must safe-guard and nourish with gratitude and sincerity. Here is where we find as well as express the light and the love of our being.
There is nothing that prevents our hi-tech, scientific, global way of being a holy, minute by minute ritual, which we respect and nurture.
Acceptance is the first step to change, which comes from acknowledgement. To acknowledge is an attribute of the mind that expands its perception, thus breaking the illusion. Acceptance is an attribute of the heart that flows naturally and in abundance when limitations of perception do not obstruct its natural abundant flow.
This expanded and simultaneously concentrated state of being frees us from the need to answer everything that comes our way, liberates us from the need of becoming needlessly engaged, most often trying to persuade or change others. It frees our energy so that we may create instead of repeat. That which is the will of our heart and we are willing to devote ourselves to, is a calling (of a need expressed) that we must answer.
We are protected and guided when we follow our heart, when we express our true self truly, with humility and assurance. We center ourselves by appreciating who we are and all that we have already. That is how we allow life to unfold and we welcome the new.
Each moment we are presented with the information that we really need, in order to be true to the highest expression of ourselves. Everything else that the surface mind (left brain) seeks to know, serves to feed the ego with the impression that it knows, in order to feel important or return to self – pity. Seeking self-importance is not the same as seeking self-awareness. The one is focused outward, whereas the other is expanded inwards.
Some of the gifts of self-awareness are life-transforming; we free ourselves from unnecessary worry and the continuous chase of data that mostly burdens than enlightens us. The whole of the mind’s matrix reverses as the left brain’s inner chatter silences, so we are free to access all the knowledge we want and need through our knowing – heart mind (right brain). This has a tremendous centering effect on all levels. It is there where we feel “at home”, in light and love, on holy “ground”.
The world may be tumbling down around you. What will guide you to the right decisions and your truest actions, what will ultimately save you, is your own inner knowing and full trust of who you really are. All illusions disappear in the light of truth, which is accessed within.
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