Biography and Lessons

We contribute most to life by expressing who we really are, when we are connected with our true self.

This is experienced when we un-learn all that we have assumed to be true and stable.

The right -- brain mind has been misunderstood and under-estimated. Labels limit perception. The left brain – mind has been over-stimulated and over–estimated for the wrong reasons.

Experience the life-transforming, mind-expanding, heart-opening insights-lessons that will change the way you look at yourself and the world. People who have experienced these lessons could each tell their own story about how they have transformed their perceptions and lives. Each lesson and each student is unique as we create together (tutor and student), that which was unattainable and seemingly inaccessible.  

A small bio...
Originally, I started teaching dyslexics and right-brained children, trying desperately to "correct" them, as I was taught by former academic institutions that I had attended. Going through continuous transformation myself, I painfully and with difficulty realized that everything I knew until then is in fact reversed.
Children did not need correction; adults needed tutoring. So I started, at first, working with parents of right brained children who were willing to explore the unknown and shift their perception.

Today I realize that everything shows me, as I dare to shatter the stable ground on which the dual mind assumes to stand on.
There is no agenda in my teaching. As I am presented with an unknown to me situation, I silence the left brain, knowing that in doing that, I can access the unknown through the right brain, in order to teach. If I access the known as most teachers do (and I used to too), then I would be feeding the ego and not teaching, not really giving. I fully trust and allow my Self to provide the right insights, the most useful and life-enhancing tools and sentences that will help the student see his or her own matrix.

I would not change one minute of my whole life until now, and you would not want to either, once you understand that each step has been essential and in total alliance to Your own Will.

We learn from our Self while gathering information from one another as we share who we are, remaining open to who we can become.

If you are not following your passion, are unhappy or not content with your life, if you do not have harmonious relationships with your children or your parents, if you feel you are not living the life that you intended for yourself or if you believe the world is unjust and lacking, these lessons have much to offer.

Contact me personally, if you have any questions or you are ready to expand your perception and change your reality at:

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