March 27, 2012

Two points of focus; two brains

What our right brain can conceive, the left brain can make happen. The one gives to the other and both work together in harmony, to express that which We desire.

Careful planning and structure is needed as well as ideas and desires. The one needs the other, the one feeds the other to produce and express the whole. A committed cooperation between the two produces results that are beneficiary to everyone and enhance life in general.

When we look from the right brain’s point of view, manifesting seems a lot of work as it is bound to linear time and space. This mind’s perception can already conceive the finished painting, without ever lifting a brush or having to mix the colors, throw away a few attempts, wait and patiently devote time, energy and heart to the process of manifestation.

Because we have not been educated to use both minds equally and with mutual respect for their role, that’s when dreamers begin to get impatient, scattered and finally lose heart. It’s when fear, self-accusation and doubt creep in to poison the un-birthed creation. Beliefs and past structures come up to halt and obstruct the birth.

But is our heart half to begin with? The focus of intention, on our heart’s desire, takes (this is where the left-masculine brain must come in) faith, commitment, patience, devoted work, discipline, to express in space and time, that which we can capture as a vision.

We need to be humble as well as confident of our desire in the present moment, in order to concentrate and do the work we have in front of us. Can two points of focus be real at the same time? Can they function and exist simultaneously? Yes, they can, for they are different, parts of a bigger whole.

The right brain accesses information from the unknown; it is in the “future”, it is authentic (never created before) and it involves a lot more than just “me” or what I know or am at this moment.

All this seems alien to the left brain, which tries to interpret and understand in order to express. The less it interferes at this stage, the better, for it cannot interpret that which it still doesn’t know.

Allow the pure function of the right brain to receive: just hold the images alive, charge them with emotion and trust what your right brain has captured. That’s your guidance, your higher self’s offering to path your way. Never doubt what you have been given, even though you don’t fully understand it, even though you don’t have a clue how to make it happen, how to bring it about. In your trusting and keeping the focus, you will be given whatever is needed. You must not allow the left brain to try and control the process or judge the outcome, for it doesn’t know.

With your right brain fixed on what you have received and your heart fully supporting and embracing the will of your higher self, you assign to your left brain to do that which it does best: focus on the details.

The “details” are always whatever you have available in the present moment. Allow your left brain to structure time, planning, individual steps taken to get things done. Every detail is significant in forming the whole. Don’t allow the right brain to come in right now and re-direct your focus to other parts/realities, to scatter your focus (daydreaming) because it can’t see that what you are doing now is an essential step, a needed building block for the end outcome. Trust your left brain that can tell which comes first and how to put one foot in front of another, to achieve motion.

The right brain is static, it is already whole and clear. The left brain is all about movement, which brings the whole into physical existence. Both are needed. Creation cannot be expressed by isolating either.

Harmony in cooperation of the two must be achieved. The harmony and balance between the two is essential at all times during the process. Don’t over-estimate or under-estimate either.

As you have turned your focus to the specific point in your present moment that activates your “doing”, you also must be equally attuned with your “being”, by being open, flexible and willing to move with the flow of life, while nurturing and trusting your purpose.

Everything shows you. Life is a constant offering to guide and serve you.

Something might come up which seems to interrupt or stop you from what it is that you have planned or decided to do. It might be something that you need and will aid your purpose, which you should give your attention to. It might be something to test your will, your desire and your commitment on that which you asked for and wish to express.

You need to be totally present, totally sure and trusting of your self, as well as humble, to discern the difference and decide: either to “side-track” for that is an opening you need, an offering from your higher self or to remain focused where you are, realizing that it is a temptation of the ego to obstruct and limit you, returning you to your comfort zone of adapting to mediocrity. Fear is always your testing ground but also an opportunity to re-establish your trust and power.

Pause for a moment. Recognize the fear. Allow it to speak without being intimidated by it, for nothing can harm your eternal existence or interfere with your higher purpose. Command the fear to leave, “Let there be Light”, as you lovingly nurture yourself back to inner peace in the shelter of your beingness.

Let go of the outcome. Work without being attached to results. Know that you cannot perceive life in totality, nor can you foresee the “future” from your standing point. Keep the knowing of your vision within you and guard it with care and loving, trusting emotion. But keep your feet firmly on the ground by devoting yourself to that which is in front of you. Every step, every detail is a whole in itself and deserves your commitment, your undivided attention, your trusting willingness to be and do that which is here now. Complete cooperation and respect for the contribution of both brains in the smooth dance of life. Complete balance between being and doing, as you allow life to unfold before you as well as through you.

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