April 27, 2012

Two types of memory

We cannot rely on memory to create the new in our lives.
And yet, there is a hidden truth behind this concept.  

There are two types of memory: one “residing” in the left brain and the other in the right brain. Think of our brain as a tool, a means of expression for the Mind. Both parts of our brain, the left and right brain, are gateways to parts of mind that exist outside our physical bodies but “inside” our Wholistic bodies. The left brain serves as the gateway to the sub-conscious part of mind and the right brain serves as a gateway to the super-conscious part of mind.

(What I write does is not apt to scientific proof or laboratory exploration, for man’s tools are way too primitive to prove the essence of consciousness, to realize the creation of Mind and the cosmoses or grasp the magnificence of the human brain-Mind. These insights are turned into words, only for communication and sharing purposes. Understanding and Knowledge, come only from one’s Self).

The left brain memory has all the information of our seperativeness and our individualization: all our identities and all our experiences as a separate being from the Whole, the Infinite or Source. This memory stores all our known experiences of all time, our emotions, all history, from the very beginning of our separation from the One. Layers and layers of memory that we cannot access, all at once, or there would not be a purpose in the game of experimenting, growing and expanding through experience.

The more one is identified with the body and personality, the more selective the surface layer of memory becomes, the shorter the memory span it can access. This is due to fear due induced by the belief of devaluation, which triggers the need for protectiveness and control. The doors to the depth of memory are closed as we isolate ourselves in very limited surroundings of belief systems, social conditioning and a frightening dense individualized concept of ourselves. The more we are able to free ourselves from society and self-identification, the more access we have to more layers of memory that are nevertheless available.  

The right brain memory has all the information of our wholeness and our unified state of being stored in its womb. It is a much “deeper” and unimaginably more expanded “version” of memory, which contains our roots and original state of being; the Oneness, the Unified Eternal Vast essence we call Spirit or Source. No matter how hard we try, we cannot disconnect from this, for this is our “birthplace”, our birthright, our Home of homes, what we Are!

As we explore the individuality of ourselves, in its many roles and experiences, we have only glimpses and deep feelings of longing to return to our original state of Pure - Expanded Existence. This is the All-knowing, All-seeing, All-Beingness part of our Mind.

“Forgetting”, has been a choice. Growth and expansion comes from diversity and experimenting through experience. This is the One Purpose we all serve, whether we know it or not, whether we accept it or not. Our individualization offers much wisdom to the Infinite, of which we are a part. Like notes orchestrated to form the most beautiful music, each one is needed to form the Whole. Being completely suppressed and ridiculed by the tyranny of the surface, linear mind, hidden from our awareness, we call this part of our Mind, the “unknown”.

Yet, the unknown comes into conscious awareness in the form of insight, spontaneous authentic knowing, ideas and right action. In a state of “no mind” (referring to the surface linear, programmed mind), we access higher – deeper levels of the Mind, which is our Expanded, Higher Self who guides us thorough a broader, vaster perspective and endless, all-inclusive love. This is how we create from the heart. Each such creation is authentic, new, all-giving, all-prosperous and life-enhancing.

When the linear, surface mind is silenced, both memories can be accessed, either one at a time or both together (linear time and duality concepts have no true meaning except to our physical three-dimensional existence). We can access the known (history) that is ancient as well as the “unknown” which is what we are challenged to bring into awareness through experience. 

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